Monday, January 11, 2010

Back on campus.

That's right i'm back at Evangel. It's so weird being back here. I don't know how i feel about this yet...i love the friend's i have made here and would not exchange them for the world, but this isn't home....not anymore. I applied to Olivet a couple of days ago and i plan on applying to a couple more colleges around home in this next month.

On Sunday Stone had a guest speaker, Robert Madu- I think that's his name, and he was great!! I've heard him speak at Convention before. He was GREAT then and he was GREAT Sunday! His message really went along with my goals for the new year!
For this upcoming semester i have bought three major books i want to read through and other smaller books. I have totally blanked on the titles but i will be sure to blog about them at some point! I am still waiting for them to arrive here on campus.

For the first time in my life I want to be dedicated and stick to all my plans/goals. In other areas of my life i can find dedication but when it comes to my own personal goals i can never find that dedication/ strength to keep going day after day. It is time to change and start a new chapter in my life.

o i thought of a third goal.
goal #3: attain to get straights a's. If i strive to get straight and don't reach that goal i should still land pretty close and be very proud of myself.

As a side note i wanted to let everyone know that Reichert is going to be my made of honor when i get married!! :)

1 comment:

Mike Stenglein said...

Philippians 4:13
He has a plan for you. Don't ever forget that.
Have a great semester!