Friday, February 5, 2010

"If you're a Christian, would you please notify your face?"

As i was spending time with Jesus tonight, I cam across this quote in my book i was reading. I didn't read very far past it because it so strongly jumped out at me. "If you're a Christian, would you please notify your face?" How true is this? We who claim to live a life for God are often the one's who are complaining and making a bigger deal out of the small stuff then those of the world can at times. I know i am guilty of this, many many times!! But as i step back to think about this statement, how sad is that! I live my life for God and yet the simple look on my face does not show that. God is walking beside me daily. God's love is always present in my life. My worst day should still be filled with joy because the God of the universe loves ME!
There is a verse that i want to use here, but i can not think of it for the LIFE of me!!

God pursues us, loves us, he sent his son to on a cross for us and if that alone isn't cause enough to put a smile on my face daily and live in the joy and hope that God gives, i do not know what reason a person will need. Though trails and temptations will come I am living for a God "who will never leave me nor forsake me".
How am i ever going to show God's love to the world, if i can't go into the world and show them that love, peace, joy, and hope?!

This is the challenge to myself; Smile, all the time! Whether it's the "worst" day of my life or not. God has given me life in that day, and a chance to reach the world. maybe all i can do that day is smile, but at least it's something.

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