Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So i am in Colleg Prep writting class right now, and apparently i can get onto blogger.
i tried to get onto Twitter, but it took forever to load, so i quit! lol
i guess i should update this thing a little more about what's going on.

In CPW (college prep writting) we are writting a narative about our lives.
One life changing event. and although i wanted to write about all these different things,
the only thing i found myself writting about was Cassie's death.
I don't want to dwell on that though. it is in God's hands and I can't
really change anything, so....

I started off the year of 2009 with a week of prayer and fasting.
and although it was hard, well the fasting part. it was rewarding.
I could feel God on a daily basis, and felt that changes He is making.
I ended my week of fasting by going to Giordano's pizza! thank you lonna!
This year i am making it appoint to get closer to God. I am not going to sit
and wait for God, and not do anything i am going to get off my butt and chase
after Him like i have never chased after anything in my life.

This next year is going to be very interesting. A chapter of my life is going
to be closing, but a whole new one is going to be opened up to me.
Gradauting from high school is the one that i have been talking
about since my first day freshman year, and now it is right around
the corner. Although i can not wait to leave i am scared. High school
is sceure. and now i am jumping out into a whole world of unsecure things.

This year i hope to:
  • read the whole bible through.
  • fix the relationship with my mother
  • go to a deeper place with God
  • move on from past relationships
  • write a letter to everyone who has made a difference in my life
  • come to better terms with being adopted (i have come a long way, but that journey is still not over)

yeah i think that is it.


Mike Stenglein said...

But unsecure situations help to mold us into the people God wants us to be. You are gonna do awesome in college! Keep your head up, your eyes on God and when you do chance to look back, you'll see a trail of smart choices and great accomplishments.

Doug Havenford said...

These are good goals and I hope you can achieve every last one of them =] I know you can, just don't give up on them!